Achieve unicorn level with unicorn talent

We source talent from top companies like Meta, Rappi and WeWork to help you grow fast.

Hire Talent

Companies our talent has worked at

From MVP to VIP in record time

The startup world is savage and ever growing, but the only thing that stays the same is that it goes fast. Fortunately, we do too.
Don’t delay your timeline as you search for the correct talent to help you get of the ground, and let us find you the dream team that will take your idea to the top.

Hire the missing piece of your team today

Ready, set, go.

Build a team in days

Careful and slow planning is for book authors. Startups need to offer something quickly, lest the market pass them by. Athyna helps Startups hit the ground running and blast their way forward with our quick and accurate sourcing process.

Hire Talent

Grow with the best

Top talent to boost your business

We focus our scouting on world-class talent from all around the world, reaching out to incredible workers with careers in unicorn companies like Meta, Mercadolibre, Uber and Amazon.

Hire Talent

Don’t miss another coffee break

Focus on delivering a great product

We’ll take care of the sourcing and payment of your talent, while helping you with every step of the onboarding process so you can concentrate on growing and improving your product.

Hire Talent

EXPERTS, not just numbers.

Our talents are not just numbers added to your organization, they will be an active and influential part of your company. Why? Because they have an amazing support system that will assist, educate, and evolve their skills.

Hire World-Class Talent Now